Pet Peeves and That's Cool #2

I figured I would put out another short list of some of the good and bad I have encountered. 

Pet Peeves

1. Some of the other public transportation riders - It drives me nuts when people stand at a stop for more than 10 minutes and don't have their passes ready. One day (in a snowstorm) there is a group of us waiting. The bus is late because of the weather. The first guy gets on the bus, then takes out his wallet, fumbles through it, finds his pass then finally uses it while the rest of us wait in the storm. I have to admit I said something to him on my way past him (it was only 1 word).  

2. Hands-free phone calls - This is a request on behalf of all people that sit by a person who likes to use hands-free on all their calls at work...CLOSE YOUR DOOR!! The people around you trying to work do not need to hear your every conversation. If you don't have a door, get a headset to wear.

3. Auto-correct in texts - Some of the auto-correct words the apps use are ridiculous. They aren't even close to the word I was going for. It's a good thing most of them happen while texting my other half.

That's Cool

1. Stupid-funny movies - These are the comedies that are just stupid-funny. You don't have to think about them; you just laugh. Some of my favourites are Office Space, Balls of Fury, Spaceballs and Happy Gilmore (there are many more). It's even better when you come across one by chance on the weekend.

2. Kid's Shows - There are some new kid's shows that throw in just a little bit of humour for the adults watching. It's great when you come across these jokes. A few shows that we watch that add a little bit for the adults are Gravity Falls, The Amazing World of Gumball, We Bare Bears and Teen Titans Go. Check them out if you get a chance.

3. Getting your favourite show - It is awesome when you flip on a show you watch and it is one of your favourite episodes. We watch the Big Bang Theory fairly often and it's great to get the camping episode.

4. Getting a deal - I'm not a big fan of shopping to begin with. When I stumble across a good deal on something I need, it's cool.  

There will be more to come...


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