Ridiculous Things at Work

Hey folks. This is a post that I am asking for comments. We all see things at work that we find ridiculous. I will describe a couple that I have encountered and I am hoping others share an example.

Situation #1 - I listened to a conference call that I was not part of. The call was between 4 people - 3 in our building and 1 external participant. What makes this ridiculous is the 3 stayed in their own offices and called in. What makes this even more ridiculous is that 2 of the people on the call had doors that faced each other. The doors were 33 inches apart (I measured). One of them used hands-free with the door open. The people that heard what was going on couldn't believe it. They did this to work on other things during the call. If they would have just focused and sat together, the call would have taken half the time and they could have moved on to other tasks.

Situation #2 - People complaining about free things at work. This has happened numerous times in my career. There is one that stands out. I worked with a company that set quarterly goals. When the goals were met, the company provided a meal for everyone. If the entire year was hit, the company provided a fantastic BBQ. They even did some fundraising with a dunk tank, etc. Every meal there was this one employee that moaned about something in the meal or the entire meal. I think this is ridiculous. It wasn't occasional; it was every time. 

This may be the first of a series. If the response is good from readers, there may be another. Please add an example if you have one (you know you do). Have a good day.


  1. Hey J,
    #1 is a prestige issue
    #2 is about how what is given is thought of being less than deserved unless it is an opportunity to vent otherly caused issues..

    As far as I know people, that is.

  2. Situation #2 is a good one, it used to bother me. It is difficult to please everyone. As a part of the team handing out Christmas gifts for a few hundred employees, the team put in a lot of thoughts, in those years, I had head different nagging comments on their gifts (size, color, value n etc...) but the majority was appreciations. It's not about me, or the person(s) complains, it's about having people on their mind...

    1. Thanks for the comment. You just have to focus on the folks that appreciate the effort. Like you said - it is difficult to please everyone.


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