TED Talks #2

I have had a couple of requests since I have started posting. One has been to list a few more TED Talks. So I went through my downloaded talks again and came up with another short list. The new list is below:

  1. Astro Teller: The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure
  2. Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
  3. Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City...
  4. Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habit
  5. Damon Horowitz: We need a "moral operating system"
  6. Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn...then lead
  7. Tim Brown: Designers -- think big!
The 2 lists I have provided are in no specific order. They are just lists of talks that I have found interesting. I will continue to watch more talks. I am sure I will post another list in the future. I hope you enjoy watching. If there are any talks you suggest, just list them in the comments section below. I am always looking for input. Thanks.


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