TED Talks and Books to Consider

A friend of mine said he wanted to learn about some new things in 2017. I told him I would put together a list of a few things he could consider. I have a generated a list of TED Talks and a list of a few books for him to consider. I told him I would post the list here for him to check out. Maybe some of you will use it as well.

TED Talks

The following list is a list of talks that I have watched that I found interesting. Some are directly related to my professional interests and others are just talks that I found informative. 

  1. John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding
  2. Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
  3. Neil Pasricha: The 3 A's of awesome
  4. Adam Grant: The surprising habits of original thinkers
  5. Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed
  6. Kathryn Shulz: Don't regret regret
  7. Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?
  8. Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe
  9. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
  10. Tim Harford: How frustration can make us more creative
I can give more examples. I figured I would start with 10 that I have downloaded.


This is a shorter list. Most of my reading list is business based. I have included a few books below that I have found to be interesting. 

  1. Buddhism Plain & Simple by Steve Hagen
  2. Start with Why by Simon Sinek
  3. Confucius Bold-faced Thoughts on Loyalty, Leadership and Teamwork. Edited by Laura Ross
  4. Good to Great by Jim Collins
  5. In the Crease by Dick Irvin 
I hope you find these lists helpful. If you are looking for something to do one night, check out some of these items. Hopefully you find them interesting as well. I can get you more items or details if you would like them; just leave a comment. Cheers!!


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